
Training on Negotiation Skills

The Government of Bangladesh has given priority to human resource development through training and study tour program. Ministry of Public Administration is primarily responsible for management of public administration. Since 2011 to till date Management and Training International Ltd. (MTI) is working closely with Ministry of Public Administration (MOPA), Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy and Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC).

Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy, Ministry of Public Administration, has arranged a study visit programme from 13-20 March, 2018 in Australia under the project of “Capacity Building of BCS Administration Academy”. Total of 07 high level officials attended the programme headed by Ms. Ismat Ara Sadique, Honorable State Minister, Ministry of Public Administration, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Study visit mainly focused on capacity building of public administration, civil service, management and institutional capacity building. Moreover the officials meeting & sharing with the experts, discussion on bilateral interest for sustainable development of Bangladesh were added. As part of official meeting participants also visited Bangladesh High Commission Office at Canberra, Australia. MTI Ltd. has successfully managed this programme in collaboration with Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. 

Strengthening Government through Capacity Development of the BCS Cadre Officials Project (for Additional Secretary)

MOPA organized 15 days overseas short training program under the project ‘Strengthening Government through Capacity Development of the BCS Cadre Officials’ for Additional Secretaries. MTI organized and managed the training program in collaboration with the Duke Center for International Development (DCID), Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University, USA. The broad area of training was Negotiation Skills. Mainly, academic lectures, group work/simulation, relevant development documentaries, visits to government offices, sightseeing tours including UNESCO- declared world heritages etc. were included in the program. Total number of participants was 45 and training of the first batch was held from 3 to 17 June 2015.

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