The Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project – Additional Financing (UPHCSDP-AF) builds over a five- year period (2018-2023) upon three previous phases namely (i) Urban Primary Health Care Project (UPHCP-I) during 1998-2005, (ii) UPHCP-II (2005-12) and (iii) UPHCSDP (2012-18) financed by the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to further develop and strengthen institutional capacity for sustainable delivery of pro-poor services in urban areas through PPP (Public Private Partnership). The UPHCSDP responded to urban primary health care challenges in 25 Partner Areas under City Corporations and Municipalities (10 City Corporations and 4 Municipalities). Now, the Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project – Additional Financing (UPHCSDP-AF) builds over a five-year period (2018-2023) upon three previous phases and will cover a physical network of 45 partnership areas(PAs) in 24 ULBs (12 City Corporation and 13 Municipalities) in Bangladesh including existing 25 PAs. Local Government Division (LGD) of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives (LGRD&C) is the principal Executing Agency of the Project.
The 05 days training course combines lectures-discussions, brainstorming sessions, quizzes, role plays, group discussion and team work. It is designed to train UPHCSDP-II officials. To achieving significant changes in the way public and private sector actors (Institutions, agencies, projects/plans) operate, with improving performance (i.e. achieving better results) as the primary goal personal growth. During training provided lecture materials and training module.
Specific training objectives: At the end of the training, the participants will be able to:
- To provide the knowledge about the working system, process and principles etc focusing the result based management and budgeting;
- To provide the objective, plans and programmes of the enterprise to employees;
- To give the knowledge about new and innovative technique of work performance;
- To provide the norms, provisions, regulations and approaches concerning of the concern;
- To raise the level of moral, enthusiasm, work spirit and work culture among employees;
- To enhance the potentialities for career development of employees;
- To develop a suitable procedure of recruitment, selection and induction programme and
- To encourage new and innovative skills, efficiencies, capabilities, methods and techniques in operational scenario.
Training methodologies:
- Methods: Lecture-discussions, brainstorming sessions, Quizzes, Role plays, Group discussion, Team work.
- Tools: Whiteboard, Flip chart, Power point presentation etc.
- Training materials as necessary such as Laptop, Multimedia, Pictorials, Models, Flip paper, Easel board, White board, Marker pen, Handouts and Power point presentation.
Training Topics:
- Introduction on Human Resource/Capital, Management of HR, Process, Rewards & Employee performance;
- Designing jobs with rules and responsibilities to enhance employee improvement/Performance;
- Employee approaches toward Counseling with Discipline;
- 5 features of performance assessment &Review of Performance Assessment;
- Travelling allowances rules (TBS Report 17th July, 2022);
- Integrated Budget and Accounting System (IBAS++);
- Accounting System of GOB & ADB Project and Non Profit Organization PANGO;
- Role of Controller General of Accounts (CGA)Office & Controller of Auditor General (C&AG) Office, Accounting and auditing system in Bangladesh;
- Financial Statement (FS) of the Non Profit Project Implemented under GOB and FS Component of ADB Project;
- IT & VAT deduction system as per Finance Act 2022-23;
- IMED reporting system under Ministry of Planning Government of Bangladesh etc;
- Organizational/Program Mission, Strategy & Goal;
- Result Based Budgeting and it’s benefits, Monetary policy of Bangladesh and it’s relationship with fiscal policy and Fiscal deficit and deficit financing;
- Role and responsibilities of drawing and disbursing officer;
- Delegation of financial powers and fund release procedures from GOB And ADB;
- External Audit and Accountability;
- Medium-term budgetary frameworks (MTBF), Preparation of non-development and development budget with MTBF;
- KPI & KPI Measurement, Major KPI Tools, Key Performance Indicator (KPI)& benefits;
- Training & Performance management Process.